Cauliflower Carpet

The city I live in rains on and pours, through my walls, windows and doors. But sometimes, I find myself in silence that stretches on like a rubber band; I think of sounds.

I remember the times when my ears were overflown, by the cries this city makes, the dangling dishes from the neighbor’s kitchen, the random Street seller dragging his two-wheeled spoke held bicycle shop,  selling random shit, everything sells on the streets from carpets to cauliflowers.

Sitting on my two color helical bamboo tool, that I bought from a similar bicycle shop,  I try to listen to the cauliflower and the carpet talk to each other, I wish I could comprehend their language.  What would the cauliflower say? What would the cauliflower have to share about its life to a carpet, what would the carpet understand? What about the cauliflower’s unruly hands that spreads out like disease would the carpet relate to? Wouldn’t the carpet only nod back – just to be nice.

And what would the carpet have to say to a cauliflower. What about its endless two-dimensional spread would the cauliflower relate to? Would the Cauliflower be awed by the stories of the sheep’s that were trimmed for the carpet to be born. Would the cauliflower be curious about the tale- What would he ask back , Did the sheep like their new hairstyle?  What happened to the them? Where do they live? How many carpets have they given birth to?

What would the cauliflower understand? Wouldn’t cauliflower only nod back, just to be nice. The city I live in rains on and pours, through my walls, windows and doors, but sometimes, when I find myself in silence that stretches on like a rubber band, I think of sounds.

My ears are overflown. The metal gates of neighborhood, they open and close as if they were eyes, the creaks that usually follow opening and closing of doors are replaced by dog barks that follow in religious conformity. These metal flaps are not just eye lids ,but also holes, like worm holes suspended in space with giggly edges,  they lead both inside and outside, it really only depends on which side you want to call inside.

When I find myself in silence that stretches on like a rubber band, I can hear my heart beat. It beats like metal gates like eyes, it imitates  the street seller’s timed calls,
it beats like the clanks in an old gas igniter in the neighbor’s kitchen, tikk ! tikk ! tikk ! Desperately trying to put something on fire with a little spark.  My heart beats like the way a spoon falls on marble floor, and sometimes my heart sounds like carpet is telling stories to a cauliflower.

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